Copyright Statement:

1. In order to protect the intellectual property and safeguard the rights and interests of the copyright owner, timely pay compensation to the copyright owner of the copyright works used by Shanghai Sunglow Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Sunglow Group”). The right holder not timely verified at the time of use shall provide right holder identity certificate materials to Sunglow Group.

2. The Sunglow Group, the website and provider of the information within the webpage shall possess corresponding copyright for all materials within this webpage. Without the express written consent of Sunglow Group and the website, no one is allowed to copy or produce a mirror image on the server of the Website. The Sunglow Group and the website do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and legality of the external links set for convenience of the users.

3. The Sunglow Group, the website and provider of the information within the webpage shall strictly abide by law. Any reproduction or repost shall indicate real and real source. The website is entitled to refer to, publish and reproduce the contents published by users on the website to the extent permitted by the website. The Sunglow Group and the website shall bear no liability for any objections and disputes over any rights arising from the contents published by users. Traditional media shall not reproduce the contents on the website unless agreed in writing by the , the Sunglow Group and the website. 


Privacy Policy:

To protect your personal data security and privacy is of vital importance for this website. Accordingly, we shall abide by relevant laws on data privacy preservation and data security. Through the following clauses, we hope to help you understand which data the website needs to collect, how to use and protect these data and whom these data to share with.

1.Personal Data 

The website actively collect any of your personal information (such as your name, address, telephone number or email address), unless you provide voluntarily (at the time of registration, investigation and application of position).

2.Intended Use

Your personal information provided through the website will be used for us to reply on your inquiry, process your order or provide relevant information or plan for you. We may also take advantage of such information to support the relationship with your customers. We store and process these personal data and share such information with our subsidiary companies in the world in order to bitterly understand your business demand, improve our products and services, or we (or on behalf of our third party institution) use these personal information to contact you and provide the plan of Sunglow Group in support of your business demand, or conduct online survey in order to understand your customer demand in a better way. In case you refuse us to use your personal data to support our customer relationship (especially in direct marketing or market research), we also respect your choice. We will not inform your personal data to a third party other than the subsidiary companies of Sunglow Group.

3.Limitations on Purpose

Sunglow Group or the website will collect, use or disclose your personal data provided online due to the following reasons:

Use these personal data due to some additional purposes which directly related to the original purpose of collecting personal data;

Prepare, negotiate and perform your demand hereunder;

Required by laws, governments or judicial organs;

Required by legal statement or defense;  

Required for avoidance of fraud or other illegal activities, such as intentional attacks to information technology system of Sunglow Group;

4. When using the telecom service to access to the website, your data (such as IP address) or service data (such as the beginning, ending and length information per visit and your telecom service information) will be generated automatically. These data may be related to your personal data. In case of demand, we will abide by relevant data privacy protection rules to collect, process and use your data.

5. Automatic collection of non-personal information

When you visit our website, we may automatically (such as not registered) collect some non personal information (such as the Internet browser and operating system used, your website domain, number of access, average online duration and accessed page). We may use these data and share these data with subsidiaries in the world in order to monitor the popularity of our website.

6. Minor

The website may collect minor data without knowing it, which may not get the consent of guardian in advance in accordance with relevant laws. We may only use and publish these data of minor to the extent permitted by law and seek guardian’s consent in accordance with local laws and rules in order to protect minors. The definition of minor shall be subject to applicable laws and in reference to national and regional culture.

7. Security

In order to protect your data from accidental and illegal damage, loss and change as well as publicity and access without permission, the website use technical and organizational security measures.

8. Links to other websites

The website has links to other websites. The website assumes no responsibility for the privacy clauses or contents of other websites.

9. Questions and Opinions

Sunglow Group and the website allow to properly check, correct, modify, or delete your personal data. In case you have questions or opinions on any data privacy protection clauses of Sunglow Group or the website (for example, check and update of your personal data), please contact us at the address shown on the upper right side of this page.

With the development of Internet, our data privacy protection clause may become mature. We will release update to the clauses on this page. Please regularly visit this page for understanding the update information. 



1. The information provided in this website is only for reference and does not constitute an offer or commitment in law.

2. The website strives to make sure all the information provided are true, accurate and effective, which does not indicate that the website or Sunglow Group bears any express or implied responsibilities.

3. The website or Sunglow Group bears no liability for compensation of any direct, indirect and consequential damage and losses arising from the users’ use of all kinds of internet service or failure in use of all kinds of internet service.

4. Sunglow Group enjoys the copyright and trademark right of all the internet services provided by the website. Without the written consent of Sunglow Group or the website, any information of the website is prohibited to be provided to any irrelevant third party through any means.

5. Some contents on the website is paraphrased from a third party with the only purpose of passing on more information, which shall not be deemed as representation of agreement on its opinions or confirmation of the authenticity of such contents . In case of objections over such contents, please timely contact the website. In case the reprinted article by the website involves copyright, the right holder shall contact the website within two weeks.

6. Sunglow Group possesses the civil rights of all the words, pictures and audio and video data sourced from the website. Without ization of Sunglow Group or the website, such words, pictures and audio and video data shall not be used through reprint, links, tweet, or other ways.

7. User understands and agrees that the website may be interrupted, delayed, omitted and misled in whole or in part or may has error in data transmission or storage due to failure or malfunction in internet software and hardware equipment of Sunglow Group, other cooperation party or relevant telecommunication department, or manual operation negligence, or may suffer a third party’s intrusion and thus results in falsification, forgery or alteration of materials, Sunglow Group and the website bears no responsibility.

8.  Users can comment and convey information on the website, but shall follow the discipline and moral principles;

(1)  Do not take advantage of internet to engage in any illegal activities;

Do not release any illegal, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, vulgar language and information;

Do not release any comments and information that instigate others to commit a crime;

Do not release any comments and information and other illegal activities that may be detrimental to national security, national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity

(2) Do not infringe on the internal procedures of the website, and do not interfere with the safe operation of this website;

9. The power of interpretation of the above statement shall be vested in the website. 
